During the Thanksgiving holiday, you are probably going to consume more foods that contain carbohydrates such as sugar and flour. The food particles from cookies, candy and cake will stick to your dental enamel, leading to a build-up of plaque. Scheduling an appointment at your local dentist office for a teeth cleaning after the Thanksgiving holiday is a great way to prevent cavities. There are also other excellent ways to protect your teeth throughout the Thanksgiving holiday to avoid developing dental decay.

Thanksgiving Holiday Hygiene Tip One: Consume a Nutritious Diet

Continue to consume a nutritious diet despite having access to more sugary treats such as whipped cream and pumpkin pie. Fill your plate with fresh vegetables or cubes of calcium-rich cheese instead of eating a plateful of fudge or cookies. To avoid damaging your tooth enamel and gum tissue, limit the number of special treats you eat throughout the Thanksgiving holidays.

Thanksgiving Holiday Hygiene Tip Two: Buy an Oral Irrigator to Keep Teeth Cleaner

This is the time of year when many stores have oral irrigators at low prices, so buy yourself one of these machines to remove food debris from your mouth. General dentists recommend dental water jets to blast way the particles that collect along the bottoms of your teeth. The pulsating water from an oral irrigator is able to reach places that dental floss and toothbrushes miss to get rid of bacteria.

Thanksgiving Holiday Hygiene Tip Three: Drink a Lot of Water

Remaining hydrated during the busy Thanksgiving season can prevent dry-mouth conditions that help bacteria to proliferate. You might think that soft drinks, coffee or tea are hydrating, but these beverages contain caffeine that leads to dehydration. Bring along bottles of water in your vehicle and carryall bag in order to keep your mouth hydrated in any situation. You can also swish water through your mouth to dislodge food particles.

Thanksgiving Holiday Hygiene Tip Four: Protect Your Teeth from Accidental Damage

Make sure to protect your teeth from chips by cutting up meat carefully to avoid biting into a bone. Look carefully at treats such as pies and fudge that contain nuts to avoid biting into a hard walnut or pecan shell. Contact a general dentist immediately if any injuries occur to a tooth to have a repair that prevents infection and discomfort.

Sitting around the table with family and friends while eating a plate of delicious, traditional Thanksgiving food is something the we look forward to all year long. Unfortunately, some of those foods are extremely harmful to your teeth. Swap out a few of the worst Thanksgiving foods and your teeth will be thankful.

Turkey Bones

If you enjoy eating the turkey leg, be aware of scraping your teeth against the bone. The hard bone can chip and break teeth, making a trip to the general dentist necessary. Never attempt to bite the meat off of the bone with your back molars, as this can cause fillings or crowns to become loose. Instead of eating meat off of the bone, try cutting it off first and then eating it with a fork.

Pecan Pie

This tempting dessert has 31 grams of sugar per slice, not including the amount of sugar in the whipped cream or ice cream that is often served alongside it. Sugar is used by plaque as energy; when too much sugar is eaten, tooth decay and cavities may result. In addition to the high sugar content, the pecans themselves pose a risk to teeth as they can become wedged in-between teeth and require help for removal from your local dentist office. Try eating a slice of pumpkin pie instead and skip the creamy sides.

Dried Fruits

Apricots, prunes and raisins often appear in a nut-and-fruit tray served as a Thanksgiving appetizer. Though many people believe that dried fruits are a healthier option, their concentrated sugar content makes teeth susceptible to decay. Chewy or sticky foods, such as dried fruits, also stay on the teeth longer and are more difficult to remove without proper teeth cleaning. Look for fresh fruits, vegetables or soft cheeses to snack on instead while waiting for the big meal.


Many people enjoy a glass of wine with their Thanksgiving dinner. Unfortunately, the high acid content in alcohol erodes the teeth over time. Alcohol also dehydrates the mouth, removing saliva that works to wash and protect the teeth. Additionally, red wine also harms the teeth because the dark tint may stain your pearly whites over time. Always drink a glass of water after drinking alcohol in order to rinse your mouth and decrease your risk of dehydration.

Contact your general dentist at your local dentist office today. The friendly and professional dentists and staff are experts in teeth cleaning after indulging during the Thanksgiving holiday.

What is a Pediatric Dentist?

A pediatric dentist is trained in the care of children’s oral health. They typically treat children who are infants through the teenage years. Children normally begin to get teeth when they are six months old. Between the ages of six and seven, many children begin to lose their first set of teeth and grow in a second set that is permanent. A pediatric dentist has special qualifications in caring for children’s teeth, gums and mouth throughout all of these stages.

A pediatric dentist must complete:

Additionally, many pediatric dentists receive additional training in treating children with special needs, such as autism, anxiety or hyperactivity.

What Treatments are Typically Done by a Pediatric Dentist?

A children’s dentist can provide:

At What Age Should My Child See a Pediatric Dentist?

Proper dental hygiene for children is a growing concern with tooth decay being five times more common in children than asthma and seven times more common than hay fever. Tooth decay can cause infections, pain and problems with proper tooth alignment.

Because of this, it is important to schedule regular visits with a children’s dentist. The American Dental Association recommends that a child’s first visit to the dentist occur as soon as their teeth being to grow in, between six and 12 months of age. An appointment from the local dentist office should be requested as soon as teeth begin to appear.

What Can I Expect from a First Appointment?

During the first visit, a child’s teeth, gums and mouth will be thoroughly examined. This exam may include taking x-rays. The child’s teeth will then be cleaned and a fluoride treatment may be applied to the teeth. The dentist can teach parents the best ways to clean the child’s teeth, remove plaque, give dental hygiene tips and answer any questions that parents may have about their child’s oral health.

A pediatric dentist will be able to provide specialized care for children of all ages. The local dentist office will be able to recommend a pediatric dentist that will give individual care for whatever the child may need.

Do you loathe going to the dentist? Goodness knows you’re not alone! There are countless people out there who are neglecting a crucial part of their dental health. A trip to your local dentist office is unlikely to be brilliantly fun, but it’s absolutely necessary from time to time. Here’s why.

Dental Exams Are Impossible To Fail

In recent years, some parts of the medical community have come clean about over-emphasizing how important they are. General practitioners no longer recommend physical exams every year the way they used to. Even obstetricians are cutting back on the amount of high-intensity care they recommend for mothers. Your friendly general dentist is different, though. When he or she says you need to come in every six months, you must obey.

A general dental check-up is of course designed to root out any signs of serious problems with your teeth. Beyond looking for new problems, though, dental exams perform a number of essential maintenance tasks you simply cannot handle on your own. Getting rid of plaque and tartar build-up is something you have to do regularly, and you’ll need a dentist’s help to do it.

Your Local Dentist Office Needs To Be Convenient

One important factor to look for when it comes to your routine dental needs is convenience. While traveling a long distance makes sense if you have a very specific dental issue to take care of, for general maintenance and check-ups convenience trumps all other factors.

Keep in mind that in this case convenience is about more than just proximity! A truly convenient dentist is one that makes you feel comfortable and puts you at ease. (The more relaxed you are during an ordinary dental inspection, the smoother everything will go!) There’s a financial component, too — a dentist office that’s fully covered by your health insurance is a lot more convenient than one that makes you pay out of pocket.

A Good General Dentist Can Draw On Other Professionals

Besides taking care of the regular maintenance and cleaning work that your teeth need, your local dentist is also your prime point of contact for every issue relating to dental health and hygiene. If you find yourself in need of some of those specialized services, there’s no one better to recommend an expert than a dentist who’s already thoroughly familiar with your teeth.

While you might not be able to solve all of your problems at your regular dentist’s office, the odds are very good that you can learn about all of them and plot an effective course of treatment there. Whether you have a specific dental issue or just need to get back into the habit of regular check-ups, talk to your local dentist today!

Oral health is highly important, and its equally crucial to have a relationship with a general dentist who will become familiar with your specific needs. Whether you are new in town and seeking a local dentist office to oversee your oral care or just looking for somewhere to receive regular dental exams, you’re taking the steps necessary to maintain the smile you show the world.

How Often Should I Visit?

It’s recommended that you see your general dentist at least once per year for dental exams and cleanings. However, it’s preferable to be seen biannually. For your first visit at a new local dentist office, you can expect:

What’s the Proper Way to Brush My Teeth?

Your dentist will show you in detail the proper way to care for your teeth. The toothbrush, preferably soft-bristled, should be angled along the gum line, and it’s best to use circular motions. Spend ten seconds on each quadrant quadrant for the front, back and bottom of each tooth.

Pain Management

Let’s face it. There is a possibility you, like so many others, have put off seeing a dentist because you are afraid of the visit. After all, the tools used can be loud and intimidating, and they are being used inside your mouth. Fortunately, there have been many advancements made in dentistry anesthesia, and there are numerous options to best meet your needs and provide you the level of comfort you need.

Will Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed?

While it’s common for wisdom teeth to be removed to relieve pressure on other teeth, this may not be necessary in your case. Your dentist will be able to analyze your teeth and decide whether this is something that would benefit you.

Local Dentist Office With a Staff That Cares

You deserve the best, and, in order to maximize your potential, its important you feel confident. Our staff specializes in ensuring you’re smile is one that radiates, and we can help you schedule regular dental exams that will ensure proper maintenance year-round. Call our office today, and we can schedule an appointment for you to meet with our general dentist in the near future.

Many people do take great care of their teeth and gums at home. Regular brushing and flossing are the only ways to prevent cavities, plaque, and gum disease. But everyone needs to see the dentist at least twice per year. A general dentist can clean your teeth professionally and check for signs of gum disease that you can’t detect on your own.

Dental exams are vital for a healthy and happy life. You can consult a local dentist office for general dentistry as often as you like. Find a dentist that you are comfortable with. Check out these reasons for general dentistry.

1. Preventative Care

The best way to treat any problem is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Many people only seek emergency dental care when their problems reach advanced stages. But a general dentist can help you avoid those problems in the first place. Regular cleanings and exams are your safest measures to take when it comes to your oral health. You only need two dental exams each year to experience the benefits of preventative care.

2. Increased Home Maintenance

When you visit a local dentist office, the dentist can offer tips to improve your home care routines. They can recommend specific toothpastes and brushes for your unique oral care needs. You may be doing a good job with your home oral care routine, but it’s possible that you could do even better. You’ll never know the home treatments available to you for maximum oral health if you never visit the dentist. Once they clean your teeth, they can tell you how to keep your teeth clean and safe.

3. Cavity Treatment

Many people have cavities without even realizing it. It’s best to have them treated when they are small. You’ll experience less discomfort and disruption in your life if you go to the dentist regularly. A general dentist will take care of cavities quickly and easily. During the dental exam, the dentist might discover cavities that you didn’t know you had. It’s important that you allow the dentist to check your mouth thoroughly for signs of gum disease as well. Early treatment is always the best.

Contact a local dentist office today to schedule dental exams. Make sure your children get the dental checkups they need as well. The entire family should have clean, healthy mouths. You’ll enjoy all the smiling faces with healthy teeth in your home.

A cosmetic dentist can make a big impact on the quality of your life.  Have you ever considered improving your smile?  Everyday you look at your self in the mirror; do you take the time to consider how having a perfect, beautiful smile could affect your life?

Well, thankfully modern dentistry has many options available to recreate your smile! It is always a good idea to discuss ways to make you happy with your smile with your dental provider during your bi annual cleanings and exams.

Whatever the problem is that you wish to have treated, technology and the newest dental procedures have a solution for you.

Each of the following treatments can help with color, alignment, damage and shape:

  1. Veneers are thin outer coverings that are shaped and colored in the way in which you and the dentist decide.  A portion of your existing teeth is removed to make space for the new outer ‘shell’.  Veneers can be done on many teeth at once.
  2. Crowns cover the entire tooth.  The tooth is prepared prior to cementing on a permanent ‘cap’ or crown.  Decay or damage is removed before the new crown is inserted.  Crowns are custom designed.  Color, shape and size can all be chosen prior to the crown being created.
  3. Invisalign  / Orthodontics – We all know what braces are.  But did you know that there are clear ‘trays’ that are placed over your teeth and do the same thing as braces?  Invisalign moves your teeth into the proper position with a series of clear ‘aligners’.  Over time and by switching aligners your teeth are moved into perfect position.  Braces can also be used to do this and are available in with clear brackets as well as the familiar silver.
  4. Dental Implants – These are the most permanent, highest quality way to restore missing teeth.  A titanium screw in inserted into your bone.  Once the bone adheres to the screw a crown is placed over the top of the screw.  The crown is made to match the color and shape of your existing teeth.
  5. Bridges and partials – An inexpensive and quick way to replace missing teeth is with a bridge or partial.  Bridges attach to opposing teeth and can be permanently placed.   Bridges can span the distance of several teeth and therefore replace several missing teeth in a row.    Partials are removable dentures that can be used to replace one or more teeth.
  6. Stained or discolored teeth / Whitening – One of the easiest ways to help your smile is to have your teeth whitened.  There are many different options available depending on your specific needs and desires.

There are many other smile makeover options.  Modern dentistry with the high tech equipment make for pleasant, pain free visits.  Take time to ask your dentist what can be done to enhance your smile.

Whichever treatment you decide to have performed, you will be very happy and everyone will know it because you will be flashing your wonderful smile!

Our team at our Charlotte dental offices knows that periodontal disease isn’t something exclusive to adults. It can affect adolescents as well. Gingivitis, which is a milder form of periodontitis, is a form of periodontal disease, and a warning that more serious problems may arise. Untreated gingivitis can develop into full-blown periodontitis.

The American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) explains that research proves that younger people may develop more severe forms of gingivitis. Gingivitis is linked to periodontal disease. Children and adolescents who have type 1 diabetes or immune deficiencies are more likely to suffer from periodontal disease.

There are three types of periodontal diseases that our team sees in children and adolescents.

Chronic gingivitis

Parents may suspect that their adolescent has chronic gingivitis if he or she shows or complains of symptoms such as redness, swelling, or bleeding gums. Early treatment may prevent gingivitis from developing into a more severe form of periodontal disease.

Aggressive and/or chronic periodontitis

Once called adult periodontitis, the term chronic replaces “adult” because periodontitis can occur in people in their early teenage years, and progress throughout their teens. Chronic and aggressive periodontitis primarily affects incisors and first molars. One of its distinguishing characteristics is bone loss. Curiously, patients who suffer from this form of the disease have minimal dental plaque on examination.

Generalized aggressive and chronic periodontal disease

This form of periodontal disease has many of the same characteristics of the chronic and aggressive form, but this more severe type of the disease affects the entire mouth. Symptoms include major plaque and calculus accumulation, and inflamed gums.

In both forms of more severe periodontal disease, the overall gum structure may change. The severity of these changes may alter gum strength enough to loosen teeth, or even worse, cause them to fall out.

The success of any treatment is largely contingent on early diagnosis. Our dentists should conduct a thorough periodontal exam as part of an adolescent’s twice-yearly complete dental examinations.

The mouth is full of bacteria. Some of it is necessary for food digestion. Diseases are more likely to develop if bacteria travel to open places in the mouth, such as exposed gum pockets or cavities. Proper dental hygiene is essential for a healthy mouth, and a healthy mouth offers greater protection against painful dental diseases.

Be sure every member of your family has a complete dental exam and cleaning twice a year, and contact our team when you or your young kids or adolescents complain of pain, sensitivity, or other oral problems. Early detection leads to treatment of oral problems and prevents them from turning into serious periodontal disease and potentially irreversible problems.

When you look in the mirror today, you wonder what happened to that beautiful smile you used to have. Many adults struggle with tooth discoloration and find it embarrassing to show off their teeth in a smile. Once you identify the cause of your tooth discoloration, there are treatment options that can restore your teeth and your confidence.

What Causes Tooth Discoloration?

There are a host of factors that may cause your teeth to discolor. Some are directly under your control, and others may not be preventable. Here is a list of common reasons that teeth become discolored.

Treatments for Tooth Discoloration

There are a variety of treatments available to individuals with discolored teeth. One of the easiest ways to reduce tooth discoloration is through prevention. Avoid drinking red wine, soda, or coffee and stop using tobacco products. If you drink beverages that tend to leave stains, brush your teeth immediately or swish with water to reduce staining.

Over-the-counter whitening agents might help, but in-office whitening treatments provided at by our Charlotte uptown dentist would be more effective. When whitening agents do not help, bondings or veneers are among the alternative solutions for tooth discoloration.

If you are worried about your teeth becoming yellow or brown, think carefully about your diet and medication use. Talk to the dentist to identify substances that may be causing the problem.

After treatment for tooth discoloration, you will have a beautiful white smile you can be proud to show off.

Uptown Charlotte Dentistry & Orthodontics

Specializing in Invisalign, Composite Bonding, Veneers and Crowns.

We do our best to make it easy for you to get the beautiful smile you deserve! Our office accepts nearly all major insurance plans. Even though dental insurance is a private arrangement between you and your company, we will file your claim, handle all the paperwork, and help you get maximum insurance benefits.

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