5 Ways To Maintain Good Oral Health

Good standing oral health takes more than just brushing and flossing - improving your toothbrushing technique, ditching sweets, and scheduling a regular checkup at Belvedere are just a few important ways to maintain good oral health.

  1. Schedule a visit at Belvedere. If you have been putting off your regular routine check-up to the dentist, you need to schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. If you are neglecting your visit due to financial reasons, we have membership plans to help alleviate any stress around your dental needs. Scheduling a yearly visit can catch problems like decay, cavities, and gum disease at an early stage. You can call Belvedere at (704) 927-5499 or visit here to submit an appointment request.
  2. Cut The Sugar. Sugar is a major culprit to cavities and tooth decay. Our mouths are full of bacteria. Some bacteria is good and others not so much. The harmful bacteria feed on the sugar and can easily turn into a bacterial infection. The first step is being mindful of your sugar intake, that includes soda and energy drinks, it would be wise to consume water instead. When you do eat sugar, it is important to brush afterward.
  3. Improve Brushing Techniques. Don’t neglect brushing your teeth and gums twice a day. If you can brush after eating, please do it. Brushing removes plaque and bacteria from your teeth. When brushing remember to brush across your teeth using a small circular motion at a 45-degree angle to the gum line. Don’t forget to give your tongue a gentle brush. This helps freshen your breath and remove any bacteria build up. Also don't forget to replace your toothbrush every three months.
  4. Floss Your Teeth. We know that flossing can be a hassle and many people forget this important process. Try putting floss or flossing picks near your bedside or on your bathroom counter to remind yourself to floss. Flossing helps remove any food or plaque that burrows itself between your teeth. If food and plaque are not removed, they can harden into tartar.
  5. Eat A Balanced Diet. Diet plays an important role in one’s mental, oral and physical health. Eating a balanced diet and limiting processed foods is important for dental health. Always read the list of ingredients on the label when grocery shopping. Gravitate towards products with minimal, clean ingredients and shop the premier of the grocery store and load up on fresh products.

Visit one of our dentists here at Belvedere Family Dentistry located in Charlotte, North Carolina, to find out how we can help your oral hygiene. If you have any questions give us a call at 704-927-5499.

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