Diabetes is a serious disease with a wide variety of negative implications on the human body. The negative effects of diabetes include effects on the teeth and gums. We take a look at oral problems to be aware of when living with diabetes.

Gum Disease

There are two major types of gum diseases which are common in diabetic patients – gingivitis and periodontitis. The early stage of gum disease is called gingivitis, but if left untreated, can lead to periodontitis. While gingivitis can be prevented or controlled by proper gum care, periodontitis cannot be treated using the process as the body’s fighting ability to infections becomes inhibited due to diabetes. Thus, immediate dental supervision by a dentist is needed as having gum disease can lead to the body unable to regulate its glucose levels, which in turn, would worsen the diabetic condition.

Cavities and Dry Mouth

Cavities are caused when pathogens attack and invade the tooth. They start by eroding the enamel and progressing forward even attack the inner tooth layers and the blood vessels and nerves. Diabetics are more susceptible to having cavities due to the fact that they produce less saliva, which protects the teeth and inhibits the attacking power of the pathogens. Another reason for diabetics being more susceptible is the presence of excess glucose in their body, which cannot be regulated properly due to the lack of insulin.

Dry mouth is also a major reason for cavity formation, and diabetics have to ensure that their mouth is not dry all the time. In addition, dry mouth can lead to bad breath. Hence diabetics are advised to use mouth fresheners and mints to ensure freshness.

Oral Care for Diabetic Patients

The increased risk of oral problems due to diabetes makes it extremely important to practise ways and measures for proper oral and dental hygiene. Some tips for maintaining oral hygiene for diabetics include-

  1.    Brushing and flossing your teeth – One should brush their teeth at least twice per day, preferably after waking up in the morning and before heading to sleep for the night. One should also floss their teeth at least once a day. These measures will prevent plaque build-up and help to avoid tooth and gum issues.
  2.    Managing diet – Patients with diabetes already have a plethora of restrictions on their food, with a lot of food items barred for consumption as it could lead to complications. On top of these restrictions, making sure to avoid foods rich in sugar would also help to maintain oral health and prevent tooth decay.
  3.    Making your dentist aware – An extremely important step is to let your dentist know about your diabetes as it would help him or her to schedule your dental appointments better as diabetics are more susceptible to oral and dental diseases and better scheduling would help them detects problems early on.

Belvedere Family Dentistry specializes in oral and dental treatments for diabetic patients as well as non-diabetic patients of all age groups. Their team involves professional and caring staff that is quick yet efficient in providing the best care for your tooth and gums.

After a visit to your dentist's office, you leave with a radiant, confident smile. So, how do you  keep that smile working for you all year round? The trick is to keep up with your dental hygiene routine but to also avoid foods that can stain your teeth. That's right- there are foods out there that can do damage to your teeth, giving them the appearance of being dull and yellow.

A person's self-esteem and confidence is so tightly tied to the color of their teeth and oral health that it's worth it to avoid foods that will make your teeth stained. Here are a few foods that you should avoid:

Acidic foods with citric acid

One of the biggest culprits of yellowing teeth is from nutritious citric fruits. Sure, these fruits are packed with vitamin c and are great for your health, but go easy on them. The wonderful fruits can erode away your enamel, making your teeth sensitive to cold and heat. When your enamel is eroded away, you also reveal dentin, which is a yellowish tissue underneath your enamel.

Sugary foods and drinks

Both sugary foods and drinks will stain your teeth because the sugars create a playground for bacteria to feed off of. The more sugary foods and drinks you take in, the more bacteria will wear away at your teeth, causing holes. These bacterias release acids that cause things like tooth decay, which will definitely put you on the fast track to stain your teeth a much darker color. Reduce the amount of sugary foods and drinks you put into your mouth to avoid stained teeth.


Coffee is another culprit when it comes to acidic foods and drinks that can stain your teeth. Experts advise drinking coffee with a top lid instead of a straw or an open cup, in order to reduce the amount of coffee that makes contact with your teeth. Like the other acidic foods and drinks mentioned about, coffee also erodes away at the teeth's enamel and allows other foods to continue to do damage, staining your teeth.


Yet another delicious treat that we need to talk about, wine can actually create holes in your teeth that help other foods stain your teeth, just like coffee. On top of that, wine is known to give your teeth a dull, gray colored stain, which is more difficult to remove than yellow stains. The plus side is that red wine is thought to help prevent cavities, so keep your wine drinking in moderation.

Keep these foods in mind while protecting your teeth

Foods that stain your teeth can do incredible damage to both your smile and your self-esteem. Avoiding the foods and drinks talked about above is the best way for you to maintain a wonderful smile year round. Also, remember to come to Belvedere Dentistry for your yearly cleaning and for a dental check up. We will help you keep your smile radiantly confident, stain-free, and welcoming throughout the year.

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night or go throughout the day with a dry mouth? Having dry mouth is a condition with your salivary glands where they don’t produce enough saliva to keep your mouth moist and wet. Here at Belvedere Family Dentistry we see all kinds of people with this condition and we want you to know that we can help you. We are one of the best dental offices in Charlotte, North Carolina and today in this article we are going to be discussing the signs and symptoms of dry mouth.

Signs and Symptoms of Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is often a side effect of certain kinds of medication that you take, or you can also get dry mouth from radiation therapy for cancer. Dry mouth can also be caused by a condition that you have that affects your glands. Your saliva helps protect your teeth from tooth decay by killing the acid that is produced by bacteria and it also prevents the growth of bacteria by cleaning the food particles in your mouth.

Your saliva also improves how you taste your food and it can make your food softer and easier to chew and swallow. Not having a lot of saliva and having an extremely dry mouth can cause very bad health problems and can have a severe effect on your teeth and gums. It can also change the way you love your food and your appetite. Here are the signs and symptoms of dry mouth.

·        Sometimes you can get a dry, sticky feeling in your mouth.

·        Thick and stringy saliva.

·        Having foul breath.

·        You may have trouble talking, chewing, and swallowing.

·        Your voice may become horse with a sore throat and dry mouth.

·        You can have a very dry feeling on your tongue and could also feel like it has grooves on it,

·        Your food can taste different.

·        It may be difficult to ware dentures.

We Can Help with Dry Mouth

Now that you are aware of the signs and symptoms of dry mouth we urge you to come in for a visit so we can help you treat this condition. Here at Belvedere Family Dentistry in Charlotte, North Carolina, we take pride in our work and strive to give each of your patients the best care suited for their needs. If you were to have any questions or concerns, please drop by for a visit or call us anytime!

Our teeth are incredibly strong, but when a tooth breaks, chips or cracks, its best to come in to the office and have it looked at. Your teeth can break by simply biting down on something really hard or getting into a fight, having a fall or If you have cavities. Here at Belvedere Family Dentistry we can take care of all these problems.

Will There Be Any Pain?

When your tooth breaks or chips, it may not hurt at that time. However, your tongue will feel it instantly. The area will be sharp and it will feel pretty weird until your tongue gets used to it or until your broken tooth gets fixed. Really small tooth breaks, or fractures normally don’t cause any pain, but if you have a large crack, it can hurt. This is because the nerve that is inside of your tooth is damaged and will lead to extreme discomfort when exposed to hot or cold substances and the air. The pain from your broken tooth can be constant or it can come and go. Many people will feel the pain when they eat because when they chew it puts pressure on the tooth.

What You Can Do When a Tooth Breaks

You cannot treat a cracked or fractured tooth at home. You will need to come in and see us to get it looked it. Sometimes your tooth looks fine, but if it starts to hurt when you eat or drink anything, that is because the substance is hitting the nerve. But if your tooth starts to hurt all the time, the crack may have damaged the blood vessels. This is a very bad warning sign. If your tooth is completely broken you will need to come and see us as soon as possible. We can figure out if the brake was caused by a cavity and to see if the nerve is in danger. If the nerve is damaged it will need to be fixed by a Root Canal.

What You Can Do at Home

Here is a list of steps that you can do at home for a broken tooth, until you have some free time to come into the office.

If your tooth breaks please don’t hesitate to call us! Here at Belvedere Family Dentistry in Charlotte, North Carolina, we will take care of all your dental needs in a quick and timely manner.

A dental clean is a good term to use when it comes to having cleaner, brighter and less painful teeth in the long run. When it comes to getting the deepest dental clean that you can possibly get, there are some tips and tricks to keep in mind. You want the best and we provide the deepest clean out there to get the best when the time comes.


Tips to Get the Deepest Dental Clean

There are many tips and tricks out there, but being able to have the best oral hygiene is the best way to go when it comes to the deepest clean. You are making the right choice to move forward and this is the best way to go about doing so.


Give us a Call Today

Speak with our office here at Belvedere Family Dentistry to find out how we can provide the help that is needed. We understand that your teeth and dental health are important and we want to be there to help you make the right decisions regarding your smile. Call us today to set up an appointment.

The right toothbrush is going to make all the difference when it comes to comfortably brushing your teeth. You have to smile wide, but also know that the teeth in your mouth are completely clean. When you need to brush, make sure to consider all of the available toothbrush options out there and which one you should be using. The best dentist in Charlotte, NC understands that the right toothbrush is going to make a big impact on your smile.

How to Choose the Right Toothbrush

right toothbrushThere are some quick steps to take to make sure you’re choosing the right toothbrush. Your mouth, teeth and gums are going to thank you when you do make the best decision.

  1. Make sure that the bristles are not hard and that they’re softer. The hard ones can cause scrapes and other problems on the outside of the teeth.
  2. The head of the toothbrush has to be able to fit comfortably inside the mouth. Make sure to not go with something that is too large, skinny or wide.
  3. If you’re in doubt about which toothbrush is best for you, speak with your dentist regarding which one you should use. They can recommend the best one to go with.
  4. Electric toothbrushes are always a great way to go when you’d like a deep, all over clean without having to worry about your manual brush not providing it.

Always Consult a Dentist When in Doubt

Choosing the right toothbrush makes a difference. You want to speak with the professional dentists in Charlotte, NC in Belvedere Family Dentistry. They can provide the necessary information regarding the toothbrushes that are going to provide you with a whiter, brighter smile. This is a great time to learn more about the toothbrushes out there for your mouth.

Even though April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, this form of cancer does not receive as much attention as other forms of cancer, such as skin cancer. However, the mortality rate for oral cancer is higher than the other types of cancer people hear about more often. The reason oral cancer has such a higher mortality rate is because it is often diagnosed in the later stages.

That is why it is extremely important to get regular oral cancer screenings from one of the family dentists in Charlotte. Oral cancer screenings can help diagnose the condition while it is in its early stages. Screenings can also help reduce your risk of developing oral cancer.

What Is Cancer?

Oral cancer is a type of cancer that affects areas of the mouth. It often develops on the tongue or lips, but it can also develop on the floor or roof of the mouth and the lining of the gums or cheeks. Many people are diagnosed when the cancer has already spread to other parts of the body. Once the cancer has spread, a patient’s prognosis is worse.

The early stages of this condition are often missed unless people are screened regularly by general dentists. Oral cancer may not cause discomfort or pain.

Risk Factors

Men are twice as likely to get oral cancer as women. A person’s risk of oral cancer also increases after the age of 50. Below is a list of some of the additional risk factors that increase the risk of oral cancer:

General dentists play an important role in the prevention and detection of oral cancer. They cannot only perform oral cancer screenings, but they can also give people tips on things that they can do to reduce their risk of developing oral cancer. Family dentists in Charlotte not only keep your smile looking great, but they can also help protect your health.

Unsightly dental work performed in the past can hinder a person’s confidence and make them self-conscious about their appearance. Bad dental work also results in poor occlusion, improper mastication, infections and tooth loss. Our Charlotte dentists offer several methods of improving a patient’s smile and facial esthetics through specialized cosmetic dentistry solutions as noted below:

Tooth-colored Fillings
Existing amalgam or silver fillings can be replaced by tooth-colored materials. Although durable, the silver fillings darken and fracture over time leaving gaps between the tooth structure and the restorations. Plaque and bacteria accumulate in the pits and fissures of the tooth leading to infections and pain. Most amalgam restorations can be replaced with a sturdy composite material that matches the natural pigmentation of the dentition.

Porcelain Laminate Veneers
Permanent discoloration of anterior (frontal) teeth can be corrected with the application of veneers. This method of improving the patient’s smile is a great alternative to more invasive procedures, such as crown placement. The veneers are typically recommended by Charlotte dentists for patients with severely discolored teeth or multiple diastemas. Medically compromised patients are not good candidates for this procedure. Cosmetic dentistry services are focused on correcting any existing dental issues without compromising the function or facial esthetics.

Crowns and Bridges
Excessive tooth structure loss and root canal treatments often require the application of crowns and bridges. Bad dental work can also be corrected by this technique and provide the patient with a beautiful smile. Our Charlotte dentists will carefully inspect the health status of each tooth and determine if the patient can benefit from this procedure using CEREC technology to accomplish a successful treatment with only 1 visit to our office. The color and the shape of the crowns are perfectly matched to complement any existing dentition.

Removable Prosthetics/Dentures
In cases where a crown or a veneer may be out of your budget, you may want to consider the benefits of partials and dentures. Non-metal prosthetics can be manufactured replacing missing teeth and improving the patient’s smile and oral functions at a more affordable rate. Our cosmetic dentistry services offer these dental appliances by using the highest quality materials at discounted prices.

If you have any questions or would like more information about our cosmetic dentistry treatments, please feel free to contact our Charlotte dentist office at 704-927-5499 or by using our convenient online appointment request form.

While finding dental care has to be treated with the utmost caution, finding a dentist in Uptown Charlotte doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task.

General Dentists

A general dentist is the first line of defense in oral health. And good dental health is critical to our overall physical and mental well-being. These clinicians offer complete family dentistry, showing us the best ways to take care of our mouths through checkups to braces. They will be instrumental in detecting problems that could lead to veneers, implants and wisdom teeth removal.

A general dentist is the focal point of all your mouth needs. Locating a local practice that participates in your dental plan will be easy enough. What should truly influence your decision is convenient office hours, the approach to preventive dentistry, is the office neat and orderly, and is staff organized and patient about answering questions. It isn’t a myth that, in the majority, we’re afraid of the dentist. It’s imperative we find one that makes us comfortable. Their service will lead to good dental needs from orthodontics to cosmetic dentistry.

Cosmetic Dentists

At some point, a cosmetic dentist will cross many of our paths. These are professionals who deal with the beauty of your smile, an important tool in everything from self-esteem to social interaction. Once a dentist in Uptown Charlotte has determined you need certain specialized services, you will be referred to a cosmetic dentist. There are dental practices in Uptown Charlotte that manage specialized as well as general services. Either way, if needed, you will be under the guidance of trained professionals who manage periodontal diseases and restorative treatments, including crowns, fluoride treatments, root canal therapy and extractions.

Under the counsel of a general dentist and cosmetic dentistry in Uptown Charlotte, you’ll have versatility in correcting aesthetic flaws in the mouth. You will be able to create a newer, younger look. You will be treated and educated in the many ways to prevent dental damage. Best of all, you will enjoy the benefits of a beautiful smile.

We lament there are so many people who are afraid to smile because they’re not comfortable with their teeth. If you need a professional, reliable and comforting dentist, go ahead and give us a call and make an appointment today.

In the same way that preventive care is one of the most important elements of dentistry, a regular cleaning of the teeth is one of the most important elements of preventive dental care. Teeth cleaning is available from most general dentistry offices and is one of the services available from a Uptown Charlotte dentist.

Why is Dental Cleaning Important?
Teeth cleaning is needed to prevent the accumulation of tarter and plaque, the latter of which contains bacteria that can lead to other problems. Cleaning thus works in the following ways:

•Protection from tooth decay
•Protection from gum disease
•Protection from other diseases

The cleaning process is usually quick and easy, and can be performed in any general dentistry office. The dentist or dental hygienist will first remove large deposits of tarter and plaque by hand, using special instruments and without causing any harm to the teeth or gums. The teeth will then be polished and, possibly, treated with fluoride.
Teeth whitening is a cosmetic technique that is supplemental to cleaning, but may be needed when teeth become stained or discolored. Whitening is achieved through the use of a special dental bleach that is applied directly to the teeth. Most dentists provide teeth whitening services.
Dental cleaning is virtually painless and can avoid conditions that are a genuine pain.
Untreated dental problems have been linked to such ailments as dementia and heart disease.

When is the Right Time for Cleaning Teeth?
A teeth cleaning every six months has for many decades been the accepted routine in dentistry. However, this time frame will vary upon the condition of a person’s teeth and gums and of one’s personal practices. Those who participate in a good dental hygiene program may be able to stretch their cleanings to a year or longer. On the other hand, those with serious oral problems may require cleaning on a monthly basis, at least until the underlying condition can be brought under control.
Even the best brushing and flossing practices will not prevent the accumulation of tarter and plaque, which is why periodic cleanings are still necessary. However, you should consult with your dentist to determine what schedule is best for you. A Uptown Charlotte dentist is available to keep your teeth clean and white. Contact our office to make an appointment.

Uptown Charlotte Dentistry & Orthodontics

Specializing in Invisalign, Composite Bonding, Veneers and Crowns.

We do our best to make it easy for you to get the beautiful smile you deserve! Our office accepts nearly all major insurance plans. Even though dental insurance is a private arrangement between you and your company, we will file your claim, handle all the paperwork, and help you get maximum insurance benefits.

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