Did your dental crown crack, bust, or chip? Here at Belvedere Family Dentistry in Charlotte, North Carolina, we're more than capable to fixing your broken crown. In think article we are going to be discussing how your dental crowns crack and what do to when it happens.
Your teeth are incredibly strong and your crowns, depending on how they were made, can be just as strong as your natural teeth, but accidents can happen in a split second, and some of them can be the cause of your personal habits. Your dental crown crack may be caused by any of the following:
We can’t always avoid getting hit in the face or tripping and falling down, but to help prevent your crown from cracking, try to be careful when you are opening a bag of snacks or if you use your teeth to open a bottle of soda. Clenching and grinding usually happens while we’re asleep so we can suggest that you wear a mouth guard while your sleeping to avoid your crowns from cracking.
When your dental crown cracks, you will need to call us and make an appointment so we can repair your crown. Depending on how bad your dental crown is cracked you might need to wait 2-3 days for it to be restored. While your crown is being repaired you may have an increased sensitivity to hot or cold substances if your tooth pulp was affected. You will need to look at the crown and check if any pieces are missing or dislodged. You an also try to pull your crown out if it is loose enough so you will not accidently swallow it.
Be sure to rinse your mouth out with warm water after you remove your dental crown. if your gums are bleeding, from the chipped tooth, you can use some gauze and apply some pressure to stop the bleeding. If you won’t be able to come and see us on the same day that your dental crown cracked then we suggest that you go to your local drug store and buy some dental cement and this will protect your tooth until you come into the office. If you have any questions or concerns about dental crown cracks, please don’t hesitate to call us or come by for a visit. Here at Belvedere Family Dentistry in Charlotte, North Carolina take pride in our work and we strive to give you the best care possible.
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