Why Are X-Rays Important For A New Patient?

X-rays help us uncover oral health issues that are not possible to detect through a visual exam alone. In order to get the entire picture of your oral health history, and to be able to provide the most effective dental care possible, all new patients at Belvedere Family Dentistry must have their new patient x-rays taken at their first appointment. In an effort to ensure you are comfortable and relaxed during your x-ray screening, we have outlined what to expect during this process. 

Once you have completed your new patient forms, checked in for your appointment, and your first exam has begun, your dental hygienist will take you back for your x-rays. Your hygienist will begin by covering you with a lead apron, as a safety precaution. Next, a small, plastic, wing-shaped apparatus will be placed into you mouth. This process is referred to as a bite-wing x-ray because you bite down on the apparatus to hold it in place while the x-ray is being taken. Your dental hygienist will adjust the apparatus to capture multiple angles of your teeth, taking special care to capture the upper and lower molars. This type of new patient x-rays are commonly used during your first dental exam because they help your dentist to identify decay between your back teeth.

If you are concerned about radiation exposure from x-rays, know that our patients safety and overall health is our top priority. At Belvedere Family Dentistry, our machines emit virtually no radiation. Surprisingly, one round of dental x-rays is comparable to one day in the sun! Plus, the x-ray process is also completely pain free.

We will use these x-rays to help determine any underlying health issues that may otherwise go undetected. These health problems could include damage to jawbones, impacted teeth, abscesses, cysts or tumors, or underlying decay. It is important to catch these issues early so they can be treated before they worsen with time! 

X-rays will need to be updated every year or two. Depending on the severity of your mouth’s condition, x-rays could be required more often. Getting your new patient x-rays with us at Belvedere Family Dental is an easy and efficient process. If you have any more questions call us today at (704) 927- 5499.

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