Teeth Roots Exposed

The pulp and root remain exposed when a tooth is broken or cracked. This can lead to infection and other complications if left untreated. After a fractured tooth has been thoroughly cleaned out, the root might still be partially visible.

If so, your dentist might recommend that you have the tooth re-cemented to help keep it firmly in its socket. Cemented teeth are more robust than non-cemented ones; however, they can still break again.

If you’re considering having one of your broken teeth re-cemented to improve its strength and longevity, here’s what you need to know about this procedure and how it may impact your smile in the long term.

Teeth Roots Exposed: What's Going On?

When a tooth breaks, the enamel and dentin are damaged. The pulp inside the tooth is also injured, often leading to infection. If the infection isn’t treated, it can spread to the surrounding gums, bones, and other body parts. The root might be wholly or partially exposed when a tooth and gum are infected.

An exposed root is not sealed inside the gums as it should be, so it is especially vulnerable to bacteria. Your dentist might re-cement an exposed tooth root to stop bacteria growth and other problems.

Recognizing When A Root Is Exposed

A tooth root can be painful and swollen when exposed due to a chip or trauma. Swollen gums are also a sign of an infection present around them. This may cause your gums to pull away from your tooth, leading to tooth loss when not treated immediately. 

Mild to extreme sensitivity to hot and cold drinks is also an early sign of tooth root exposure. This is because a part of your root that is initially covered by the gums is starting to show. You can also recognize that your teeth may appear slightly weird and longer than usual. 

Typical Symptoms Of An Exposed Tooth Root

If you have an exposed tooth root, you may notice some os these symptoms: 

  • foul taste or smell from the mouth
  • swollen face or jaw
  • pain when chewing
  • pain when opening your mouth
  • general sense of discomfort.

If you have an exposed tooth root, it’s important to seek dental care as soon as possible. A severe infection that could spread to other body parts can be stopped if it is found early and treated ASAP!

Be On The Look Out For These Causes (and How to Avoid Them)!

The main culprit of an exposed tooth root is a fractured tooth. If you have a broken tooth, the best thing you can do to prevent an exposed root is to see a dentist as soon as possible.

If you have gum disease, your dentist may remove a portion of your gums to treat the infection—and expose a part of the tooth root in the process. However, you can opt for flap surgery to cover and secure the exposed tooth root. 

An impacted tooth that has been pushed back into the mouth may also cause tooth root exposure. You can talk with your dentist about the procedures that can help you correct the alignment of your tooth to prevent further damage to neighboring teeth and prevent gums from receding further.  

Options For Fixing Your Exposed Tooth Root

If your tooth root is exposed, your dentist might re-cement it to prevent infection and promote healing. Re-cementing a fractured tooth involves putting special cement into the root canal and around the tooth. If the root of your tooth is exposed, your dentist could also perform a root canal treatment.

During a root canal, your dentist cleans the tooth's root and fills the area with a particular type of dental filling. Your dentist might recommend a core buildup repair for some types of fractures. This procedure involves filling the tooth with unique core material to stabilize it.

Suggestions For An Exposed Root Treatment

When your dentist re-cements an exposed tooth root, your tooth will likely be more robust, less likely to fall out, and less likely to cause discomfort. Your re-cemented tooth may also last longer than it would have otherwise.

If your tooth root is completely exposed, re-cementing it may not be an option. In this case, your dentist might recommend removing the tooth since it’s too far gone for a standard root canal. If your tooth root is only partially exposed, re-cementing it may be an option.

Your dentist may also recommend waiting several months to see if the area heals. 

If the root is completely exposed and your budget may not be enough to have it treated, your dentist might recommend removing the tooth and its surrounding gum tissue. This can help remove the part causing the pain and discomfort for you. 

When Roots Are Exposed Too Far For An Easy Fix

If your tooth root is completely exposed, you can’t re-cement it, and you can’t have a root canal or core buildup; the only option may be to remove the tooth. This is a better option for some people than living with an exposed root.

An exposed root can sometimes be painful and contribute to other health issues. Talk to your dentist about the best treatment options if you have an exposed root.

A dental implant will be the best option to fill the gap and give you a perfect smile without any missing teeth. 

An Exposed Tooth Root Gets You To The Dentist; Now It's Your Turn To Keep Your Teeth Healthy

When a tooth root is exposed, it can become a breeding ground for bacteria. To prevent infection, it’s essential to keep your mouth clean and to follow any other treatment recommendations your dentist gives you. If you have an exposed root, cleaning your teeth, gums, and mouth as regularly as possible can help prevent infection.

Be sure to use a soft-bristled brush and mouthwash as part of your daily oral cleaning routine. Regular dental visits are also an essential part of keeping bacteria at bay. At your next dental appointment, your dentist can clean the area near your exposed root and apply a sealant to help protect the tooth from bacteria.

Contact Belvedere Dentistry For Dental Appointment! 

In the last few decades, dental therapy has evolved significantly. Most dental procedures are efficient, quick, and minimally unpleasant when conducted by professionals.

At Belvedere Dentistry, we will explain every procedure in detail. Whether you want a simple cleaning to remove tartar or a more sophisticated procedure, such as gum root planning or a root canal, our friendly staff and skilled professionals can help.

We can help you acquire or maintain healthy teeth. Contact us immediately to make an appointment!

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