For a large portion of the population, dental checkups are a stressful experience. Some people worry that the dentist will find a cavity or other dental issue, and other people find the cleaning process to be painful and uncomfortable. However, visiting your general dentist for regular checkups is essential for maintaining good dental health, and checkups and cleanings will be beneficial in the long run.
You can make dental checkups much easier by being prepared for the appointment. Here are four steps you can take to prepare:
Brush and Floss
Brush and floss your teeth thoroughly before you leave for your appointment. If you’ve gone several months without flossing, flossing every day for the week leading up to your appointment will probably not fool your general dentist. Flossing at least once is better than not flossing at all, though, and most people like to go to their appointment with a clean mouth. However, you should avoid brushing your teeth too aggressively as it can damage your gums and make your teeth more sensitive.
Take ibuprofen to Help with Pain
Some people find the cleaning procedure at a checkup to be painful. If you’re worried about pain at your appointment, take the recommended dose of ibuprofen about an hour before your checkup. You can also take one about six hours after the appointment to reduce any inflammation.
Think of Any Dental Problems You’ve Been Experiencing
If you have any questions or concerns about your dental health, write them down or take a mental note of them. A general dentistry appointment is the best time to ask about any problems you’ve experienced. Some common problems include:
Confirm Your Appointment in Advance and Arrive Early
Call or email your dentist’s office a day or two before your appointment to confirm it. If you have to cancel, make sure to give them 24 hours notice. On the day of the appointment, try to arrive 10 or 15 minutes early in case you need to fill out any paperwork.
Our Uptown Charlotte dentists can provide general checkups and cleanings, and they can answer any questions you may have about your dental health. If you need a dental checkup, call our Uptown Charlotte dentist office today to schedule an appointment.
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