A cosmetic dentist can help any person who loses a tooth no matter what the reason for the tooth loss is. You can visit a cosmetic dentist and conduct a consultation if you were the victim of a fight, a vehicle accident or good old-fashioned tooth decay. The cosmetic dentist can speak with you about two popular options for missing teeth replacement: a partial denture and dental implants. You’ll be able to decide works for you based on your current situation and the differences between the products.

About That Partial Denture

A partial denture is an artificial tooth that a dental lab can quickly develop for you if you have a missing tooth. Many dental establishments offer same-day partial dentures because of the ease of creation of certain types. The flipper, for example, does not have complex construction. It consists of a metal wire that wraps around the adjoining teeth and a soft artificial tooth that is strictly for show. The flipper is the most inexpensive denture that exists. Many people get them as initial partial dentures, and they return to the specialist for something more permanent later.

Partial dentures can last about 10 or 15 years. However, some negative aspects exist with them. For one, they can come out, so you can possibly lose them. Secondly, it may take you a while to get used to speaking with them in your mouth. Furthermore, your partial denture may not look exactly like your original tooth. On the other hand, you can get a partial denture for a fraction of the price of a dental implant.

About the Dental Implant

A dental implant is a permanent replacement tooth that will require oral surgery. The main benefit of getting a dental implant is its permanency. The implant can last you for the rest of your life. Additionally the implant fuses with the bone, which makes it a permanent part of your mouth. Not only will it look like your real tooth, but also it will become a part of your mouth. Many people prefer implants because of their precise realness.

What’s Right for You?

Dental implants are best if you have an amazing insurance policy, tolerance for oral surgery, a high income or some other means to pay for it. A partial denture is best if you have a limited income and not much time to wait for a replacement tooth. A cosmetic dental office can provide you with both devices. All you need to do is call and schedule an appointment today.

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