Of all the different appliances an experienced dentist can install in your mouth, dental crowns are some of the most versatile. Capable of protecting teeth from a number of different problems and available in all sorts of different materials, crowns are truly the “jacks of all trades” in modern dentistry.

What Dental Crowns Do

In restorative dentistry, a crown is any device intended to cover the exterior surface of the tooth. Crowns traditionally encapsulate the entire tooth, although “3/4” crowns are sometimes used on teeth that don’t require complete coverage. There are a variety of different conditions that may lead your dentist to suggest a crown, from physical damage to the tooth to heightened risk of infection.

Crowns can be either temporary or permanent. Most temporary crowns are installed to protect a tooth while a permanent replacement is manufactured. Children also sometimes receive temporary crowns on their primary (non-adult) teeth. Fitting a crown normally requires multiple visits to your dentist’s office. The tooth is first prepared to receive the crown; this involves removing some material (or even adding more). Impressions are taken to prepare the crown, and you return later to have it cemented in place.

Modern Restorative Dentistry: Tons Of Crowns

You have a huge range of choice when it comes to materials for modern crowns. Metal is often the least-expensive option available, and many temporary crowns are crafted out of humble stainless steel. Permanent metal crowns are created from gold or alloys, offering an inexpensive and long-lasting option.

Other affordable options include the traditional porcelain-on-metal crown, which presents a compromise between economy and aesthetics. Resin crowns are a more modern alternative, offering a very natural appearance and an attractive cost. Resin crowns are among the least durable of your alternatives, though.

Crowns crafted entirely from porcelain or ceramics are regarded as the ideal solution for most crown needs. They look almost identical to natural teeth, they’re hypoallergenic, and they’re normally very long-lasting. Porcelain and ceramic crowns can crack under exceptional strain, though, making them not entirely perfect.

The most cutting-edge option in the world of crowns are milled crowns. These appliances are created right in your dentist’s office using a specialized computer-guided milling machine and a digital imaging camera. These crowns cost no more than traditional ones, and the convenience of a single-visit installation is very appealing. For the time being, milled crowns don’t look quite good enough to cover front teeth.

Following The Advice Of An Experienced Dentist

No matter what kind of crown you need, you should pay careful attention to what your dentist has to say on the subject. Crowns don’t entitle you to a life free of dental hygiene! Crowns require regular brushing and flossing in order to protect your surrounding natural teeth and gums. Get in touch with your dentist today to discuss what sort of crown is right for you.

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Uptown Charlotte Dentistry & Orthodontics

Specializing in Invisalign, Composite Bonding, Veneers and Crowns.

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